4 Effective Neuroma Treatments

Neuromas are sometimes referred to as tumors, but these benign thickenings of your foot tissue aren’t cancerous, nor are they tumors. Yet neuromas can leave you suffering from debilitating foot pain, making it difficult for you to manage daily life activities.
At Town Center Foot & Ankle of Kingwood and Atascocita, Texas, we’re here to help with your neuroma symptoms. Here are some of the treatment options that board-certified podiatrist Dr. Stephen “Dr. Ike” Eichelsdorfer recommends to our new and existing patients.
Bracing or splinting
Also known as Morton's neuromas, neuromas in your feet build mass in your digital nerve, located beneath the ligament that connects your toes and front foot. Neuromas are most typically found around the area between your third toe and your fourth toe.
Because they pinch the nerves, neuromas often make you feel like you have a protrusion on the underside of your feet, as if you’re walking on a pebble. But neuromas don’t actually create physical lumps.
Still, it’s not comfortable to move around with the pressure that a neuroma puts on the affected nerve in your foot.
With bracing or splinting, Dr. Eichelsdorfer can restore the correct shape of your forefoot, taking pressure off of compressed nerves and helping you move and stand in comfort.
Custom orthotics
You have a heightened risk of neuromas if you wear tight or poorly fitting shoes that stress your toes and the balls of your feet. Just changing to more supportive footwear can make a big difference.
Beyond that, custom orthotics that give your feet better support are an effective treatment for many patients with neuromas. At Town Center Foot & Ankle, we provide orthotic inserts custom-molded for your foot shape, giving you the best possible support.
Cortisone injections
Neuromas can be acutely painful, causing cramping in your toes, forefoot, and the affected foot’s arch. You can also experience numbness, tingling, or a radiating burning feeling in your toes.
You can cope with the painful and uncomfortable symptoms of a neuroma with cortisone injections. This treatment rapidly and lastingly manages your pain, letting you relax and your foot to start to heal.
Surgical treatment
In severe cases, neuromas may require surgical treatment. Dr. Ike can perform decompression surgery, a procedure that relieves pressure on the nerve affected by your neuroma. He may also need to remove the affected nerve surgically for full symptom relief.
If you’re concerned about a potential neuroma or are suffering from symptoms of foot pain, tingling, or numbness, get in touch with Dr. Ike and our team at Town Center Foot & Ankle today.
Schedule your initial consultation now by phone or click for our easy-to-use online tool.
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