Can I Spread My Nail Fungus to My Partner?

Can I Spread My Nail Fungus to My Partner?

No one wants to find symptoms of toenail fungus, like nail thickening and discoloration, affecting their nails, especially with summer just around the corner and sandal season on the way. 

But did you know that toenail fungus can be a problem for the people around you, as well?

If you live with family members, or spend a lot of time with a close partner, your toenail fungus infection can spread to their feet. Toenail fungus is very contagious. That’s why it’s so easy to pick up an infection and why you should seek effective treatment before it spreads.

At Town Center Foot & Ankle, expert podiatrist Dr. Stephen G. Eichelsdorfer (“Dr. Ike”) knows how to get rid of nail fungus, as well as how to keep infections under control in your home and social circle. 

If you see telltale fungal symptoms, contact our location in Kingwood, Texas, for prompt evaluation and treatment.

How nail fungus spreads

Fungi thrive in environments that are dark, damp, and warm. Think about where you see mushrooms sprouting up in nature. Nail fungus isn’t all that different from other fungi in this respect. And your feet often encounter, and provide, just that kind of environment.

Chances are, your nails became infected with the fungus after you spent time in an environment like a shared shower stall or public pool floor. These are common places where fungi live. 

The infectious fungus can then attach to new hosts through small openings in the body's outer defenses, such as little nail cracks or skin abrasions.

Inside your shoes and socks, sweat and your body heat provide exactly what fungal infections need to grow and become a problem for you — and anyone who shares your shower, shoes, or socks.

Keeping nail fungus contained

While you’re getting treatment for nail fungus, you can take steps to keep the infection contained and prevent it from spreading to other people you’re close to. 

Watch out for areas where you share space and go barefoot — like the bathroom, where warm water makes fungi even stronger. Clean these areas regularly. Use shower shoes to protect other people who share your space from catching your fungal infection.

Pay attention to used shoes and socks. Never share shoes or socks if you’re worried about nail fungus. Dry out gym shoes after exercising, and wash gym socks frequently. It can also be helpful to wash your feet with soap and water when you take off your shoes.

People who have conditions like diabetes are particularly vulnerable to fungal infections. Make extra sure to practice good foot care and hygiene if you have loved ones at home who are living with diabetes.

Clearing up your nail fungus

It’s no fun to live with anxiety about controlling the spread of nail fungus in your close circle. Instead, find peace of mind and increased self-confidence by having a skilled podiatrist like Dr. Ike examine your nails.

Your treatment plan for toenail fungus may include:

We make sure that all your nails are fungus-free, stopping any further transmission of the infection. When you work with podiatry professionals, you can be sure the problem won’t recur right away, which can happen if you use drugstore products to get rid of fungal infections.

For experienced and effective nail fungus support, contact our team at Town Center Foot & Ankle in Kingwood, Texas. Schedule your appointment by calling now or request an appointment online.

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