Don't Let Toenail Fungus Force Your Feet Into Hiding

When fungus takes up residence under your toenails, it causes unsightly symptoms like discoloration, warped shape, and thick nails. A fungal toenail infection can even produce an unpleasant odor.
It's understandable why your first impulse might be to hide your feet inside of heavy footwear for as long as possible.
Still, you shouldn't give up on your summer sandals or barefoot beach plans, or your enjoyment of hobbies — like yoga — that involve showing your bare feet just because of a fungal infection. Don’t give up when there's so much you can do to improve your symptoms and permanently resolve your nail fungus.
At Town Center Foot & Ankle, board-certified podiatrist Stephen G. Eichelsdorfer, DPM, has the expertise you can trust with this kind of toenail problem. “Dr. Ike” provides compassionate and effective podiatry care to patients of all ages from his Kingwood and Atascocita, Texas, offices.
The speedy spread of fungal infections
Fungal infections move from person to person in several ways. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, such as those found in showers. Public swimming pools and gym showers are some of the most common places to pick up a toenail fungal infection, but you can contract one just about anywhere.
All the fungi need is a small entry point in your skin, and then they can grab ahold.
And a fungal infection can spread along your foot from a single original affected area. What might be a single discolored toenail now could end up in a whole foot full of fungus. You're most likely to get a fungal infection under your big toenail, but all your nails could become affected if you don't seek treatment.
As the fungal infection develops, your nail first becomes brittle, warped, or discolored. Toenails infected by fungus often appear either darker or paler than normal, or take on a yellowed tone. You may also see pale or dark spots on the affected nail or nails.
Eventually, your nails could begin to painfully separate from the nail beds, and you might see further signs of infection, like pus.
Take quick action to root out foot fungus
The more developed a fungal infection becomes, the more challenging it becomes to completely eliminate it from your system. Toenail fungus can get stubborn, so it's best to begin treatment as soon as you start to notice symptoms. Don't wait for your toenail fungus to develop out of control.
While over-the-counter treatments for foot fungus are available, you might not see effective results over time and may face a recurrence of your symptoms. Dr. Ike recommends that you come into the office for tailored individual care in order to completely root out your fungal infection.
We offer cutting-edge treatment options such as:
- The PinPointe™ FootLaser system, providing safe and effective laser energy to destroy fungus and restore your toenails
- Oral or topical antifungal medications and creams to target the infection
- Medicated nail polish
To get started treating your toenail fungus as soon as possible, contact Town Center Foot & Ankle right away. You can schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Ike by calling us or by using our online tool to request an appointment.
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