What Causes Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus can make your feet look unsightly, with warped and discolored toenails. You’re most likely to develop a fungal infection in your big toenail, but all of your toes can become affected. Without treatment, a fungal infection can worsen and cause structural damage to your nail beds.

You might not know exactly how you contracted a problem nail fungus, but there are some common culprits that are most typically to blame. Many summertime activities, like going barefoot at the pool, can increase your risk of developing nail fungus.

To understand how to treat and prevent nail fungus problems, get in touch with our podiatry experts at Town Center Foot & Ankle, led by Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer, also known as Dr. Ike. 

Dr. Ike can address existing nail fungus issues and help you plan out how to avoid future fungal exposure. Our team provides care and support to new and existing patients from around the Kingwood and Atascocita, Texas, area who have nail fungus-related concerns.

Where did the fungus find you?

Most nail fungus problems are caused by tiny fungal organisms, often dermatophytes. The organisms that cause nail fungus are highly contagious and can transmit from host to host.

If you’re walking barefoot in an area where another person with a nail fungus infection might have recently stood, you’re at risk for infection yourself. Common settings and scenes for nail fungus transmission include swimming pools, gym locker rooms, and even bowling alleys.

You can protect your feet and reduce your risk of nail fungus by using shoes in public areas.

Situations when you sweat heavily make nail fungus transmission more likely.

Do you have underlying vulnerabilities?

People of all ages and genders can struggle with nail fungus problems, but some factors do make some individuals more prone to developing fungal infections.

You could be at increased risk of nail fungus problems as you get older. Conditions like diabetes or skin issues like psoriasis can also worsen your risks of nail fungus infection. And if you’ve previously dealt with athlete’s foot, you might continue to struggle with ongoing nail fungus flare-ups.

If you know you’re at risk of foot fungus problems, take extra precautions like letting your gym shoes dry out overnight after use, or carefully washing and drying your feet after periods when you’ve been sweating a lot.

Effective treatments for your toenails

No matter where or why you picked up your nail fungus, once you have an infection, you need professional treatment to keep your condition from getting worse. Nail fungus is easy to spread between your own toes, and an infection in one toenail can lead to more widespread infection later on.

With our team at Town Center Foot & Ankle, you have plenty of treatment options. You could potentially benefit from:

At Town Center Foot & Ankle, Dr. Ike can evaluate your condition and recommend the right treatments for your unique needs.

To schedule your appointment with our podiatry experts, contact our offices in Kingwood and Atascocita, Texas, today. You can schedule over the phone or request an appointment online now.

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